Online Money Earning Blogs

By far the easiest way to earn money online from a website or blog is from Google Adsense and being paid per click. Can be very lucrative if done right! How We Make Money Blogging We have spoken a lot about how we monetize our blogs and make money online.

Everyone wants to earn money online and one of the best ways is by starting a tech blog.

Many people love technology, gadgets, Apps and that’s why the technology niche is one of the most popular blogging niches.

There are many successful technology bloggers who’re earning a lot of money online and have been able to turn their hobby into a profession.

Making money online blogging is not that difficult, but it requires content writing skills, knowledge, patience, etc.

To answer your questions, I shall make you know the type of tech blogs that you can start, ways to monetize a technology blog, and much more.

This short guide about Tech Blogging at my blog My Blogging Ideas will be useful not only for tech bloggers but also for all the other new bloggers who want to start a new blog of some other niche.

Starting a Technology Blog

You definitely need a few thousand to start a professional tech blog.

You’ll require to purchase the following things for starting a tech blog.

  • Domain Name

A good domain name is a must as you’ll be able to create a brand with a good domain name.

I’ll advise you to go for a very unique domain name as this is what I’ve learned after blogging for years.

Godaddy is one of the recommended sites for purchasing a domain name, while there are many other options too.

I recommend it because it is a popular company when it comes to buying a domain name for starting a website or blog.

  • Hosting

Blogger may allow you to start blogging without purchasing hosting, but WordPress is a blogging platform recommended by most of the successful bloggers.

Bloggers believe that WordPress is the best blogging platform as it is very easy to use and offers maximum features.

You can check out a popular managed hosting provider if you believe that your blog traffic will be growing in a few months.

Also, you can regularly check out my blog to know about the best hosting providers for WordPress bloggers.

There are many good hosting providers providing affordable shared hosting services, and I recommend a shared hosting service for new bloggers.

Don’t forget to read the BlueHost’s shared hosting review as it is a very popular shared hosting provider in India as well as other countries.

  • Premium WordPress Theme

Most of the new bloggers go for a free WordPress theme, and you’ll find many good free WordPress themes online.

If you have enough money to start a new blog, then you should definitely find it worthy to invest in a Premium WordPress theme.

A premium WordPress theme for your tech blog will allow you to leave a good impression and make your blog readers come again to your blog.

Also, I advise you to choose a premium WordPress theme with the latest features so that you’ll get the latest features to make your blog work smoothly.

An additional tool that you may need is a Grammarly premium account.

My Informative Grammarly review shall make you understand why this online grammar correction tool is very useful for bloggers.

We may even publish a complete guide in the future for those who don’t have any idea about starting a new blog.

I’ll advise you to take the above-mentioned steps immediately as time is definitely very valuable.

It may be the perfect time for you to make a long term investment by starting a professional tech blog.

Can A Blog Earn Money

Different Types of Tech Blogs

1. Tutorials Blog

Tutorials blog may get more traffic as the competition must be lesser than other types of tech niche blogs.

If you expertise in technology, then you can use the newest tech product and write tutorials about them.

I advise new bloggers to target new products and write tutorials as well as How-to guides on their own to produce the best content.

Tutorials blog make a good amount of money as people definitely need a tutorial to guide them while using a new tool or software.

2. Reviews Blog

If you like to review tech products, then you can definitely start a review blog.

Reviews blogs are very popular and that’s why there is a huge competition.

If you’re someone who can create videos, then you can not only publish written reviews, but also make YouTube videos reviewing the products.

3. Technology News Blog

Everyone is becoming tech-savvy, and hence, starting a tech news blog can be a good idea.

But, you’ll definitely need to produce content regularly, and you may even need to hire a few people to increase the income generated by your tech blog.

Ways to Make Money from a Technology Blog

1. Text/Banner Ads

When it comes to banner ads, everyone remembers Google Adsense, but now there are many other options available.

A technology blog having good traffic can definitely make lot of money from banner ads as people tend to view such ads and click on them.

If you can publish quality content on your blog frequently and get lot of traffic, then banner ads will make you earn a decent monthly income.

Professional bloggers who’re doing blogging full time rely on banner ads for earning a constant monthly income from their blogs.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is becoming one of the best ways for earning money online for most of the bloggers.

Bloggers can earn commission by promoting products, and that’s definitely a good way of making money online.

Affiliate marketing will be gaining maximum popularity in the coming years, and that’s why it is the perfect time to learn affiliate marketing.

3. Sponsored Advertising

If your blog looks professional and you’re posting content frequently, then companies and brands will approach you on own for sponsored advertisement.

This income is not a regular income for bloggers, but sometimes it is a good way to get instant cash as a blogger.

4. Premium Membership

Are you an expert in your blogging niche?

If you feel that you’re an expert and can offer premium content to your blog readers, then you can offer premium membership to your blog readers.

You can share special content with your premium members, and if they like your content, then they will keep subscribing for this premium content.

5. Sell Your Own Product/Service

If you want to maximize your blogging income, then you need to take some big steps.

You need to come up with your own product or service so that you can sell it on your technology blog.

The crucial thing will be having a product or service that your blog readers require and that’s why you need to make the decision carefully.

Increasing Competition in the Technology Niche

Yes, this is the truth that you need to accept.

Still, you can earn enough amount of money regularly from tech blogging, but you’ll have to write regularly, promote regularly and learn the basics of SEO.

Search engine optimization is a necessity to monetize a tech blog.

You’ll be able to get maximum traffic only if you’ll target the right keywords and make people come to your tech blog from the search engine.

I believe that competition will increase in every blogging niche.

Even the travel niche is getting saturated as many people are showing their interest in travel blogging.

Previously, very few people were earning from travel blogging, but now there are a good number of successful bloggers who’re earning a decent amount of money from travel blogging.

Just stop thinking about the competition in the tech niche and get started to become a successful tech blogger.

Successful Technology Bloggers in India

You may feel absolutely surprised to know that there are many successful tech bloggers in India..

Many youngsters are starting a tech blog while they’re in school or college, and they’re even able to make more money than a normal job.

The professional technology blogger that made tech blogging popular in India is Amit Agarwal.

His blog is very popular and as per the information available, he is the highest earning tech blogger in India.

His blogging income may surprise you, but we don’t want to go into the numbers.

We should definitely respect him for his efforts, and we can also get motivation from him to make a lot of money from tech blogging.

Success from tech blogging depends upon your writing skills, knowledge, and patience.

You can’t expect to become a successful tech blogger by writing a few posts.

You’ll have to write regularly for a few months or even a year or two to see the desired results.

Even if the income from tech blogging is unpredictable, it is still worthy to try as it may make you earn a good amount of money in the long term.

Once you complete reading this blog post, do comment about the tech blogger that you follow regularly.

Other Blogging Niches to Make Money Online

Apart from the tech niche, there are other popular blogging niches that you can choose for starting a new blog.

The below-mentioned niches are recommended by most of the bloggers for making money online.

Online Money Earning Blogs
  1. Make Money Online
  2. Health and Fitness
  3. Finance
  4. Fashion and Beauty
  5. Travel and Adventure

Choose the niche that you love so that you won’t get bored while writing blog posts for your blog.

Choosing the wrong blogging niche is one of the biggest blogging mistakes that many new bloggers make, and that’s why you need to be careful.

Current trends and market demand are the 2 crucial factors that will help you in choosing the right blogging niche.

Overview – Earning Money Online from Tech Blogging

Tech blogging is definitely a good way to make money online, but at the same time, it is very competitive now.

Every blogging niche is becoming competitive day by day, and that’s why you need a lot of motivation as well as belief in your skills.

I love to share my blogging ideas with my blog readers, and if you have any questions related to making money blogging, then you can drop me an email immediately. I’ll try my best to reply to your doubts related to blogging and the monetization of blogs.

If you don’t want to make money online from tech blogging, then do check out the other best work from home opportunities.

I hope that you’ll be able to start a tech blog soon and making money from it too as soon as possible. Do let me know your thoughts about making money from a tech blog.

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What can 10 of the top-earning bloggers in 2020 teach us about how to make money by blogging, and what do their stories tell us about the current trends of top-ranking blogs?

Since 2018, Target Internet has checked in once a year on ten of the world’s highest-earning blogs. Using a list based on a Forbes ranking of the world’s highest earning bloggers, we analysed some of the factors playing into each leading blogger’s success.

Recently, blogging has branched into lots of variants, ranging from traditional, proprietary blogs (like the one you are reading), to blogging on third-party platforms such as Medium and LinkedIn Pulse, and micro-blogging in social media captions. There has been a further bifurcation of the blogging industry into bloggers and social media influencers. A lot of people who may once have become bloggers, are pursuing careers as influencers instead.

These trends have brought new commercial and creative opportunities for independent online content creators. The downside is that blogging has become harder to define, and therefore harder to report on as an industry. This effect has been so pronounced that use of the term ‘blogging’ itself seems to be waning. According to Google Trends, global search volume around ‘blogging’ and related keywords reached its lowest level on record in June 2019, and has been close to flat since then.

One of the upshots of these trends is that it is no longer easy to get estimates on bloggers’ earnings from a reputable source, as titles like Forbes have refocused on trending topics like Instagrammers and YouTubers. We might have taken this as our cue to stop analysing the performance of top paid bloggers. However, we’ve been keeping track of the careers of the bloggers included in last year’s list, we still believe there’s a lot to say about their high-earning blogs. Let’s take a good look at each leading blog’s status in 2020, and see what lessons we can take away about the state of blogging.

The earnings figures given with each blogger are best-available estimates of annual earnings from Owler, given in U.S. dollars.

Top 10 highest-earning bloggers

  1. HuffPost: $500 million per year
  2. Engadget: $47.5 million per year
  3. Moz: $44.9 million per year
  4. PerezHilton: $41.3 million per year
  5. Copyblogger: $33.1 million per year
  6. Mashable: $30 million per year
  7. TechCrunch: $22.5 million per year
  8. Envato Tuts+: $10 million per year
  9. Smashing Magazine: $5.2 million per year
  10. Gizmodo: $4.8 million per year

1. HuffPost (founded by Arianna Huffington): $143.1 million

Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post (rebranded to HuffPost in 2017), built her business up from a current affairs commentary blog to a full-blown media empire between 2005 and 2011, when The Huffington Post was acquired by AOL for $315 million.

Huffington stayed on as Editor-in-Chief at The Huffington Post until 2016, when she moved on to her current day job as CEO of Thrive Global, a blog and training provider devoted to corporate wellness. (She’s also a board member at brands including Uber and Onex.)

HuffPost has an estimated annual revenue of $500 million, which places it in the big leagues by most traditional newspapers’ standards, let alone relative to other blogs.

A key factor in HuffPost’s success has been its scattergun approach to digital content production and distribution. The platform has typically posted from 600 to 1,000 articles per day, of which anywhere from 10 to 100 have gone viral.

Blogs have always lived or died by their ability to attract readers, and HuffPost excelled on that score with just the right strategy at just the right time. It is not clear whether a similar strategy implemented in 2020 would enable a blog to grow to the same extent as HuffPost, as changes to search engine algorithms have increased the quality of content typically needed to get a high number of views via organic search.

2. Engadget (founded by Peter Rojas; now edited by Dana Wollman): $47.5 million

Engadget covers a range of tech topics, from smartphone games and robotics to search engines and wearables. The blog was founded in 2004 by Peter Rojas, a former Gizmodo editor. Rojas left Engadget in 2008, and has since refocused on venture capitalism. Much like the Huffington Post, Engadget was acquired by AOL in 2011, and is now owned by Verizon Media.

Engadget’s estimated annual revenue of $47.5 million places it towards the top of the tech media league table.

Affiliate links contained within product reviews are an extensively implemented monetisation option for Engadget. The links are included as a CTA button labelled “Buy now”, which is contained in a static header.

Notice how much prominence is given to affiliate-revenue-generating product reviews in Engadget’s main navigation. This is a blog which has learned what works best for itself commercially, and has really pushed ahead with that approach. Whether your blog targets affiliate commissions or other revenue sources, a great lesson to take away from Engadget is that giving prevalence to revenue-driving elements in your blog design can pay off.

3. Moz (founded by Rand Fishkin; now edited by Morgan McMurray): $44.9m

Moz is an SEO community and service provider with an offering that includes SEO software, conferences, and a large-scale digital publishing operation.

Headed up by a highly influential blog, Moz’s content is more than just content marketing – it’s one of the leading publications in the field of search marketing.

Popular features of Moz’s blogging include case studies, industry reports, and ‘Whiteboard Friday’, an educational vlog series formerly presented by Rand Fishkin, the company’s founder. Fishkin, who still presents Whiteboard Friday vlogs every now and then, moved on to a new venture, an audience intelligence provider called SparkToro, in 2018.

Blogging isn’t Moz’s core product. However, we feel it’s right to include Moz in our highest-earning bloggers list, as the brand’s blog is among the most popular and influential publications in digital marketing. Further, Moz’s digital publishing is a key lead generator for the company, helping drive its $44.9m annual earnings.

Moz has shown how a brand can sell products and services by making blogging a key part of its offering. Rather than bolting a blog onto its site and posting articles there occasionally; this brand has established one of the very best blogs in its industry. Thanks largely to its blogging, Moz has become a destination and focal point for the SEO community.

4. PerezHilton (Perez Hilton): $41.3m

Perez Hilton (born Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr.) is a celebrity blogger and media personality. Hilton’s gossip blog, PerezHilton, is one of the biggest names in showbiz journalism.

Since 2005, Perez Hilton has written stories on stars such as Lady Gaga, Johnny Depp and Miley Cyrus, all the while embedding himself, personally, into celebrity culture. Popular features of the PerezHilton blog include gossip stories, photo galleries and quizzes. Overall, the blog’s content is similar to that of a traditional celebrity/gossip magazine, such as Closer or Heat.

One of the PerezHilton blog’s greatest strengths is its effective use of the celebrities who drive engagement with the blog’s content. Famous names and famous faces are given the spotlight, through category headings for specific celebs and heavy use of paparazzi and red carpet photos. This shows a clear understanding of what makes the blog compelling – which is something every blogger needs to figure out about their own blog.

5. Copyblogger (founded by Brian Clark; now edited by Stefanie Flaxman): $35.1m

Copyblogger is a blog about blogging (and other forms of content writing). It has been described as “the most influential content marketing blog in the world”. Core features of the blog include writing tips, analysis of new developments in content marketing, and podcast episodes.

Given the fact Copyblogger is a blog about copywriting, it faces serious pressure to practise what it preaches and produce good copy. Its articles tend to meet that requirement, with very clear formatting and interesting, conversational writing.

6. Mashable: $30m (founded by Pete Cashmore; now edited by Jessica Coen)

Media and tech blog Mashable was founded in 2005 by Pete Cashmore, a 19-year-old web consultant from Aberdeen.

Mashable’s output covers a vast range of topics, including tech, science and social good. One of the blog’s standout features is Amplify, a content series “devoted to raising awareness, spotlighting issues, and taking action” on racial equality issues.

Another interesting feature – this time from a monetisation standpoint – is Mashable Deals, a section of the blog which features deals, reviews, product roundups and other commercially focused content.

7. TechCrunch (created by Michael Arrington & Keith Tears; now edited by Matthew Panzarino): $22.5m

TechCrunch is renowned for its excellent coverage of startup news and advanced tech topics. The blog’s content focuses heavily on the dealings of tech giants such as Alphabet, Amazon, Uber and all the other usual suspects.

Between 2007 and 2015, TechCrunch ran the popular startup database Crunchbase, which is now a separate entity.

8. Envato Tuts+ (founded by Collis Ta’eed): $10m

Envato Tuts+ is a vast library of tutorials, courses, guides and eBooks, delivered in blog format. It covers subject areas including coding and web design, business, photography, music and graphic design. Some Envato Tuts+ content is free-to-access, while other items are available on a subscription basis.

Envato, the company behind Tuts+, was founded by Collis Ta’eed in 2006. Its headquarters are in Melbourne, Australia.

How Can I Make $1000 A Month Blogging

9. Smashing Magazine (founded by Sven Lennartz and Vitaly Friedman): $5.2m

If you’re a web developer or designer, we’re willing to bet you’ll have read an article published by Smashing Magazine. Founded in 2006, this blog has grown to become one of the leading sources of guidance and commentary covering all things web, from information architecture to website aesthetics.

A key ingredient of Smashing Magazine’s success is its memberships offering, which encourages readers to pay between $3 and $7 per month for premium features. Interestingly, the blog has a live member counter on its homepage, which strikes us as a clever way to help readers quantify the value of their financial contribution to the blog.

10. Gizmodo: $4.8m (founded by Peter Rojas; now edited by Kelly Bourdet)

The second blog on our list that was founded by Peter Rojas, Gizmodo is a design, technology, science and sci-fi blog with numerous variants serving different parts of the world, including Brazil, Japan and the UK. It’s a great chronicle of geek culture, from the latest Huawei smartphone designs to fan theories on the original Star Wars trilogy. One particularly strong feature of Gizmodo US is the ‘Giz Ask’ content series, which goes to great lengths to answer science teasers such as “Could teleporting ever work?” and “Do animals practise revenge?”Shortcode

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