How To Earn Money Through Share Market Online


  1. How To Earn Money Through Share Market
  2. How To Earn Money Through Share Market Online Uk
  3. How To Earn Money Online

Most of the people come to share market to earn money on a daily basis but they fail to do so and there are primarily three reasons: –
1) Lack of knowledge
2) Lack of Experience
3) Lack of Discipline (psychology)

But the question is whether is it possible to earn daily money through trading in Indian share market?


The correct answer to this question is NO.

It is not possible to earn daily money in share market but YES you can make monthly profit.

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How To Earn Money Through Share Market

WHY? The main reason is

Lot of domestic and international factors/events govern the stock and indices direction on daily basis and that is beyond anybody’s control so it is difficult to gauge the market movement on daily basis and make money.

Due to this reason, professional and experienced traders try to earn money on monthly basis and not on daily basis.

They watch daily price movement, keep updated themselves about all events, and trade only when the opportunity comes.

If you try to do daily trading, then I am sure the trader will lose money. I went through this situation many times and lost huge amount of money in day trading.

It is for sure that every day is not a trading day and it is highly possible that losses will occur if trader tries to do every day trading and earn money in share market.

So the wise decision is watch the daily market movement and trade only when opportunity exists and this is how trader will get success in day trading in Indian share market.

If you are beginner or getting frequent losses in trading then you should try doing paper-trading practice and if you get success then you can gradually move to actual trading with money. For more step wise information about paper trading practice, please visit this page

So now, we will see

How to earn in day trading in Indian share market?

We advise the following 4 strategies to make profitable monthly earning in share market

1) Take small profits and do multiple trades and earn thousands at the end of the month in share market.

How to earn money through share market online, free

2) Cut down losses in day trading (trade with strict stop loss) because Money saved is money earned.

3) How to pick stocks, futures, options for trading

4) Very important – Don’t try to trade every day and make money. Wait for the opportunity and then trade.

1)Take small profits and do multiple trades

One of the successful strategy for day trading is “take small profits and do multiple trades”.

If you want success in day trading then look for small profits, if you want big profits in day trading then you would get it once or twice but at the end of the month, you will not be profitable.

The bottom line is you will get multiple chances to take small profits, so do multiple trades and take small profits.

Precaution – You should have a low brokerage trading account, precisely you should have flat brokerage or else your trading expenses higher and hence your profit will come down.

For example – Suppose if the day trader’s buying price of a share is at Rs.200 then he will wait for the price to go till Rs.204 or Rs.205 and then he will plan to book profit, which is highly impossible on a frequent basis in a single trade.

We feel this doesn’t sound practical and this is the reason why traders lose money after waiting for a long time.

If your intention is to earn money in a day, then just concentrate on small profits and do multiple trades instead of waiting to get a big profit in just single trade.

Markets are always right so to avoid the risk and hence losses it is always recommended that day traders should keep booking profit wherever applicable.

Take small profits and do multiple trades – This strategy will assure you get profits, and all the profits that you do throughout the day will add up to the good amount at the end of the month and this is what you want, right?

Please note – Earning Rs 5000 per day requires lakhs of investment in addition to huge experience and at the same time involves very big risk. So first gain experience by trading with a small amount and then you can move on to earning Rs 5000 daily profit. Rather we suggest start earning a small amount and slowly move to higher profits.

Important advice – Instead of looking for daily profits look for monthly profits, so this will not force you to make daily unwanted trades and it will save you from losses. This is very important because if you decide to take daily profits then you will trade daily irrespective of whether you will any trading opportunity and this will make you enter into the wrong trade and ultimately you will end up into losses.

So please have a look at the following example about how taking small profits and doing multiple trades will provide you a good amount at the end of the month.

So please have a look on following example about taking small profits and doing multiple trades and how it will provide you a good amount at the end of the month.

Now let us see the practical example how to earn profit in day trading by taking small trades and doing multiple trades.

Please note – prices are taken as example.

If you see the Tata steel in top gainers in the morning around 9:30 am.

If you Bought Tata steel at Rs.470, quantity – 400 i.e. Rs.470 x 200 = Rs.94,000

As it is in top gainers, after some time it is highly possible that it will move up so you sold it for Rs 472.5 (just Rs 2.5 profit per share)

You have 200 shares so the total profit earned is Rs 2.5 x 200 shares = Rs 500

Rs 500 is your gross profit.

Now we have to minus brokerage and taxes applicable for this trade so that the net profit can be calculated. To know the latest brokerage and taxes calculation for day trading please visit the Brokerage and taxes calculation section.

Brokerage and taxes for your buy trade

Total amount you have to pay for brokerage and taxes for buying tata steel 200 shares is

Brokerage + Transaction Charges + GST

9.4+3.055+2.24 = Rs 14.7

Brokerage and taxes for your sell trade

Total amount you have to pay for brokerage and taxes for selling tata steel 200 shares is

Brokerage + Transaction Charges + GST+STT

9.45+3.071+2.25+23.62 = Rs 38.4

How To Earn Money Through Share Market Online Uk

Finally, you have to pay stamp duty

The stamp duty – On total turnover for a day that varies from state to state and it is from 0.001% to 0.005%.

Total turnover is buying amount + selling amount

How To Earn Money Online

94,000+94500 = Rs 1,88,500

Stamp duty is Rs 9.42 (stamp duty 0.005%)

So total brokerage and taxes you have to pay for this transaction is

brokerage and taxes for buying amount + brokerage and taxes for selling amount + The stamp duty

Rs 14.7 + Rs 38.4 + Rs 9.42 = Rs 62.42

Your Gross profit is Rs 500 and you have to pay Rs 62.42 as expenses for this transaction so you net profit is

Rs 500- Rs 62.42 = Rs 437

The conclusion – You have earned Rs Rs 437 as profit from this trade.

Important point to note – If you continue doing such trades with such small profits then it will end up with big amount at the end of the day.

Suppose if you do 2 trades in a day then your net profit will be Rs 437x 2 = Rs 874 per day.

continued to Day trading profits page.